
The Playboy Party People

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Created by TheSandboxCollections
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There's a Playboy party and you're invited! The Playboy Party People collection is the latest avatar collection for The Sandbox. Consisting of 1,969 unique and playable avatars for The Sandbox, it brings the history of iconic Playboy parties to life!

Collection Info
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1969 Assets in the collection

Playboy #0340

Playboy #0334

Playboy #0323

Playboy #0352

Playboy #0319

Playboy #0367

Playboy #0306

Playboy #0342

Playboy #0375

Playboy #0300

Playboy #0285

Playboy #0338

Playboy #0308

Playboy #0298

Playboy #0327

Playboy #0312

Playboy #0296

Playboy #0373

Playboy #0345

Playboy #0303

Playboy #0313

Playboy #0333

Playboy #0481

Playboy #0472

Playboy #0571

Playboy #0565

Playboy #0613

Playboy #0546

Playboy #0606

Playboy #0578

Playboy #0628

Playboy #0622

Playboy #0572

Playboy #0554

Playboy #0609

Playboy #0605

Playboy #0459

Playboy #0401

Playboy #0466

Playboy #0441

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